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AUTHOR = {Hecht, Christopher and Spreuer, Kai Gerd and Figgener, Jan and Sauer, Dirk Uwe},
TITLE = {Market Review and Technical Properties of Electric Vehicles in Germany},
JOURNAL = {Vehicles},
VOLUME = {4},
YEAR = {2022},
NUMBER = {4},
PAGES = {903–916},
URL = {https://www.mdpi.com/2624-8921/4/4/49},
ISSN = {2624-8921},
ABSTRACT = {Electromobility has grown rapidly, and especially in China, Europe, and the United States. Within Europe, Germany is the largest market. Our goal in this paper is to provide a data-driven overview of the key data, including the number of vehicles sold, place of registration, battery capacity, and charging power, in Germany. The results were generated by linking car-registration data with the technical details for each car model. We identified more than 84% of the battery electric vehicles in the fleet, but the uncertainty is larger for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. The number of sold electric vehicles doubled annually over the last two years. Simultaneously, the battery capacity and charging power per vehicle are rising. Combined, the two effects cause the cumulative battery capacity and charging power of the fleet to grow at an even faster pace. The battery energy built into electric vehicles in Germany registered on 01.08.2022 was 50.5 GWh, of which 9.5 GWh belonged to plug-in hybrids. The combined charging system became the dominant charger type for fast charging in Germany, and only 2% of the vehicle fleet used the competing CHAdeMO standard. To allow fellow researchers to work with the data, we published them free of charge on our data platform mobility charts.de, and we update the data monthly.},
DOI = {10.3390/vehicles4040049}

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